NH 911 CARES (previously Supplemental Ali) is
now available online. Accessing your account information is easier than
ever as you can access it anytime, anywhere using the NH 911 CARES
website. The CARES (Citizen Assistance Registry for Emergency Services)
website is a service that provides additional information to an
emergency 911 dispatcher at the time of a 911 call. In use for more than
10 years, CARES information has been used in countless 911 calls,
assisting dispatchers by providing important information that a caller
may not be able to provide them verbally. This information is medical in
nature, and thus protected by the NH 911 Division and only used for
emergency services at the time of a 911 call. NH 911 is dedicated to
providing the best emergency care in the shortest amount of time, and
the CARES program is one aspect of that mission.
To register yourself or
someone else, please log onto
https://cares.desc.nh.gov and set
up a New Account.
If you have any
questions or need assistance with registration, please contact us at
603-271-6911 or
here for the 911 cares handout
Click here for the
911 cares FAQ sheet
COVID-19 is a concern
for everyone and the Town of Groton is here for our
residents. Currently there are free COVID tests
avaialable at the Town House.
Below are some numbers to call and
information/links regarding COVID-19.
Below are some imporant numbers to call
regarding COVID-19:
2-1-1: Groton
Residents with general questions on COVID-19
should call 2-1-1. When
you dial 2-1-1 you will reach a phone menu,
please select the ‘COVID’ option to reach a live
operator. The line has been very busy so
please expect to wait to reach an operator.
During the day, call 603-271-4496 (office hours
from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM) or 603-271-5300 (only
after hours):
Groton Residents that need to
immediately report
any suspect cases of COVID-19 (via exposure or
travel) should call DPHS.
expect to leave a message with an operator or
leave a voice mail. Again, these lines have been
very busy so it may take a few hours for someone
to return your call but they will.
PCP/Health Care Provider:
Groton residents who
are sick and showing symptons such as cough,
fever, tiredness, difficulty breathing should
call their PCP/health care provider. They do not
want you to go to the office and want you to
call first. If you do not have your own PCP/
health care provider, please call urgent care
and explain your symptons. For emergencies call
In an effort to assist NH residents and visitors
with the decision to call 911 and/or to go to
the emergency department, a Public Service
Announcement (PSA) has been developed. There
are two PSA’s linked below, a thirty second and
a longer, more in depth two-minute video.
30 Second PSA Video Link – https://youtu.be/rpjN5m8tDlo
2-minute PSA Video Link – https://youtu.be/OO_MkrwyNcM
The Town of Groton 603-744-9190
(Mon-Thurs 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM): Groton
residents that are in need of services for food,
supplies, getting to appointments, getting
groceries, etc. please call the Town of Groton
and we can either direct you to a local service
or set up assistance for you through the Town.
Below are helpful and informative links
regarding COVID-19:
The New
Hampshire Department of Health and Human
Services: This site can provide phone
numbers such as the ones listed above, the
number of cases in NH and by county, infromation
for residents and first responders, etc.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention:
This site can assist with what you should do if
you feel sick, view the symptoms, provide
guidance on how to handle certain situations,
how to protect yourself, advice for the elderly
and those at high risk, FAQ's, etc.
World Health Organization:
This site can
provide information on how to protect yourself,
travel advice, research and deleopment, media
resources, situation updates, etc.
NH Employment
Security: Governor Sununu passed an
Emergency order for individuals who are unable
to work or have to work limited hours due to
COVID-19. If your employer closes due to
COVID-19, if you need to care for a dependent
because of school closures or day care closures,
if you need to self quarantine, if you need to
care for a family member that has COVID-19, or
self employed individuals that are not able to
operate their business will all have immediate
access to unemployment benefits.
here to view the Governor's emergency orders.
Below is information from the Governor
regarding COVID-19 related scams:
Attorney General Gordon J. MacDonald urges all of New Hampshire’s aging
adults to be aware of and to take steps to protect themselves from scams
related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, all people are encouraged to
assist aging adults in protecting themselves from scams to the fullest and
safest extent possible. Currently there are social security scams, medical
scams, stimulus scams, fake charity scams and more.
Although most of these are directed towards the aging adults, anyone can be
a victim of these scams. Please be careful! Anyone receiving scam
communications related to Covid-19 or otherwise, is encouraged to make a
report to the New Hampshire Consumer Protection Hotline:
o Phone: 1-888-468-4454
o Email: DOJ-CPB@doj.nh.gov
o Website: www.doj.nh.gov/consumer/complaints/
Further, the public is encouraged to report suspected fraud schemes related
to COVID-19 by contacting the National Center for Disaster Fraud (NCDF):
o Phone: 1-866-720-5721
o E-mail: disaster@leo.gov
Click here to view the Consumer Protection & Charitable Giving Fraud Alert
Click here for a direct
link regarding Covid scams
Be Careful When Making Charitable Donations
Before making donations to support those who are ill or suffering
financially because of the COVID-19 outbreak, do your homework:
If the appeal claims to be from a charity, make sure that it is registered
with the Attorney General’s Charitable Trusts Unit. The list may be found
If the appeal is for an individual, think hard about donating unless you
know the person needing help and that person’s circumstances;
Do not let anyone rush you into making a donation;
Check that you are dealing with a legitimate charity or individual and not
an “imposter” with a deceptively similar name;
Do not assume that social media recommendations for donations are
Beware of False Claims and
Deceptive Marketing
Do not be tempted by claims and advice on social media and online websites
that certain products or treatments can cure or prevent COVID-19.
There currently are no prescription or over-the-counter pills, vaccines,
oils, lotions, or other products available to treat or cure COVID-19. Always
check with your health care provider before buying such products.
Be on the Lookout for Phony CDC Emails
Be careful about opening emails claiming to be from the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) or from others claiming to have information
about COVID-19. Clicking on links or attachments could cause a
computer virus to infect your device.
Stay Informed
For up-to-date information about the COVID-19 outbreak in New Hampshire
To report a charitable giving scam, contact
the Charitable Trusts Unit:
Phone: 603-271-3591
To report a business-related
scam, contact the Consumer Protection Hotline:
Phone: 1-888-468-4454
immediately the Town of Groton will be collecting donations of
non-perishable food items and any other items that would be beneficial for
those that cannot afford them. There is a table and bin located right inside the front
door of the Town House.
POLICE: Groton Police Department (603)744-3703; Dispatch (603)536-3566
FIRE & EMT:The Town of Groton has contracted services with Hebron Fire and EMT and Rumney
Fire and EMT
NH ALERTS/GENASYS: You can receive emergency notification
from NH Alerts. Click
here to add your contact information to the mergency database.
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
Why do I need Flood Insurance Flyer
National Flood Insurance Program Fact Sheet
Public Health Corps
Hello from the team at
Here at PublicHealthCorps.org, we strive
to find the best health and safety
information on the web. We then work to put
this information in the hands of people who
can share it far and wide to positively
affect as many people as possible.
On our minds this week is weather
preparedness; are your local residents
prepared for potential weather emergencies?
Please carefully review the list of
resources below to encourage as many
residents as possible to take important
safety precautions today.
Severe Weather 101
Basic Disaster Supplies Kit
Home Emergency and Disaster Safety
Preparing for Disasters in Your Home: What
to Buy, What to Skip
Emergency Preparedness and Pets
Important Legal Documents for Emergency
Emergency Preparedness for Seniors
How to Organize and Prepare for Disasters
Hurricane Preparedness - Be Ready
How To Protect Your Home From Flood Damage
Winter Safety and Preparedness
Tornado Safety Guide
Lightning Safety Tips
Homeowners Guide to Lightning Safety
Fire Safety in the Home
A Guide to Home Safety: Identifying and
Preventing Hazards
Other Helpful information: