Department Phone Number: (603)744-3758
Road Agent: Robert Ellis
Equipment Operators/Laborers: Fred Brooks, Norm Willey, Jeremy Haney
Effective March 4, 2025 the State Roads in Groton are being posted for NHDOT state restricted weight limits. They estimate that the roads will be posted until April 15, 2025. However, they may shorten or lengthen the posting period based on future road and/or weather conditions.
The Town Roads will be posted effective March 10, 2025.
Thank you for your cooperation!
The pre-construction meeting with the Town, USDA, the Architect and Kuplin Land Services finally took place on October 1, 2024. We received the go ahead for the work to start. Kuplin Land Services had been out there doing site work and the foundation had been poured. The building was delivered on 1/13/25. Construction began the same day. Feel free to drive by to see. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this process!
Winter Reminders
Now that
winter is upon us, the Select Board and the Highway Department want
to remind you of the following items:
· Residents are allowed to take three 5-gallon buckets (15 shovels
full) of sand for their residence in Groton only. The use of town
sand for commercial sanding or in mechanical sanders is not allowed.
· Please
make sure you park your car at least 4 feet off the road side to
allow for plowing. All residents are required to follow the Town
Parking Ordinance which states under Parking Restrictions, section
D: Snow Removal:
No vehicle shall be parked on any street maintained by the
New Hampshire Department of Transportation or the Town of Groton in
such a manner so as to impede snow removal. No person shall stop or
cause to be stopped, or park any vehicle, so as to impede or
interfere with the proper snow clearing operations of the NH DOT or
Town, when snow removal operations are in effect.
As you are aware, snow removal operations are currently in
effect. All vehicles found in violation of this ordinance may be
removed (towed) and costs of such removal and subsequent storage of
removed vehicles shall be at the expense of the owner of the
If you
plow, snow blow or shovel snow from your property into the road, you
are required to clean it up and will be held liable for any injuries
or damages caused by those conditions if you do not clean it up.
As stated in the Winter Maintenance
of Roads and Sidewalks that New Hampshire Municipal Association
(NHMA) put out, an abutter might, for instance, blow snow onto the
sidewalk or into the road, or create runoff from melting snow on a
roof that flows onto the sidewalk or road and freezes. In that case,
the abutter may be held liable for any injuries or damages caused by
those conditions. Ritzman v. Kashulines, 126 N.H. 286
(1985). Moreover, the municipality can require the abutter to
correct conditions they have caused to the public sidewalk or road,
or to pay the municipality’s costs in doing so. Directing water onto
a sidewalk or road may cause ice to form and make the sidewalk or
road dangerous for public use; this is considered a “violation"
under the law, and the abutter may be fined by a court.
RSA 236:19. Municipalities may notify the abutter of the
problem and request them to correct it.
RSA 236:35. If the abutter does not comply, the
municipality can correct the situation itself and a court may order
the abutter to repay the municipality the costs of responding to the
RSA 236:29;
RSA 236:32;
RSA 236:39.
Click here to view the Winter Maintenance Ordinance
Congratulations to our Groton Road Agent Robert "Bubba" Ellis on achieving the 2024 New Hampshire Master Roads Scholar! Thank you Bubba for all you do for the Town of Groton!