Department Phone Number: (603)744-3758

Road Agent: Robert Ellis 

Equipment Operators/Laborers: Fred Brooks, Norm Willey, Jeremy Haney                 



The Town of Groton is soliciting bids for a project for chip sealing of 1.1 miles by 23 feet wide of Town roads in Groton.

BIDS will be received by Sara Smith at the Town Office, 754 N. Groton Rd. until 4:00 PM, (Eastern Daylight Savings Time), June 18, 2024 and then publicly opened and read aloud at the Select Board Meeting that night at 7:00pm.

The bid documents/chip sealing specifications will be available  at the Town Office (754 North Groton Rd) and are attached below:

Click here to view the bid documents/chip sealing specifications

Please contact the Town at (603)744-9190 or selectmen@grotonnh.org for more information.


There have been some delays with the Public Works Building Project due to USDA requirements but we have been working hard to get this project moving forward. The advertisement for bids had been posted in the newspapers and online. The bids were due 4/2/24. The Select Board opened the bids but had to table awarding the project until the architect and USDA could review the bids and we reached out to our attorney for some guidance. Thank you for your patience and understanding!