Town of Groton
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
April 1, 2008
In Attendance: Michael Brogna, Michelle Clark, Richard O’Connor, Jackie Brogna sitting in for Pamela Hamel
Audience Members Present
Mike called the meeting to order at 6:10pm. Mike read the appointments, announcements.
The Board discussed the Hutchins Junkyard application. Mike opened the floor for any discussion. Hutchins explained their setup and presented some photos to the Board. These included locking gates and pictures of fences which separate the property from abutters. The Hutchins said they would be in the following day to pay the $35 licensing fee.
Mike made a motion to approve the Doug & Sandra Hutchins Junkyard application, Rich 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Mike read the 03-25-08 selectmen’s meeting minutes to the audience.
Rich made a motion to accept the minutes as written, Michelle 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Mike made a motion to sign the Andover Geologic 2008 quote, Rich 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
The Board asked that Pam set up a work session with Joyce to review the Hesselton letter.
Mike discussed the audio and video taping of public meetings. Pursuant to RSA 91-A:2 it is legal for anyone to tape public meetings. If a disturbance is caused during the meeting because of the taping, the chair has the authority to ask the one causing the disturbance to stop or leave.
Mike made a motion to sign the police chief application response letter, Michelle 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Michelle announced that the board has agreed to readvertise for the Police Chief position. The position might be full time or part time, whatever the Board feels is best for the town.
Mike made a motion to table the signing the building permit for Hamel as the waste water system blank was not checked off, Michelle 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Mike made a motion to sign the building permit for Golden, Michelle 2nd, motion carried 2-1, Rich abstaining as he felt the permit wasn’t necessary due to the size of the structure.
Rich made a motion to sign the building permit for Farnsworth, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Rich made a motion to sign the supplemental intent to cut for Green Acre Woodlands, Mike2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Rich again voiced his concern over the need to bond the roads.
Mike opened the floor for questions and comments
The Board reviewed some paperwork submitted by Chief Bill White concerning the new ad for police chief. The Board discussed some of the costs involved. They would like to set up a work session with Bill to further discuss the issue.
Mrs. Stevens expressed some concerns over the frost heaves damage on North Groton Road. The Road agent is looking into long term ways to alleviate the problem.
Concerned was expressed over a property on Bailey Hill Road that appears to be operating as a junkyard but has no license.
Mike made a motion to go into a non public session pursuant to RSA 91-A: 3, II at 7:00 pm, Rich 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Mike made a motion to go back into public session at 7:08pm, Rich 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
AMENDED TO INCLUDE: Mike made a motion to seal the non public minutes, Rich 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Meeting adjourned at 7:09pm.