Town of Groton
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
July 8, 2008
In Attendance: Michael Brogna, Richard O’Connor, Pamela Hamel (Administrative Assistant)
Absent: Michelle Clark
Audience Members Present
Mike called the meeting to order at 7:05pm and read the appointments and announcements. He introduced Lou Lieto, the Newfound School Budget Committee representative from Groton. Mr. Lieto was here to give the Board and Town an update on the work the committee has been doing since March. He had a handout prepared that gave a brief outline of their work. Points of interest included:
Mr. Lieto took questions and comments from the audience.
Mike read the minutes of July 1, 2008 to the audience.
Mike made a motion to accept the minutes as written, Rich 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
The Board reviewed the 3 quotes for shimming North Groton Road.
Road Agent Glen Hansen recommended going with GMI, and paving the hill that leads down to 118. Mr. Hansen explained the test drainage area that he and the Board are considering doing. It would be approximately 200 feet in length on the worst part of North Groton Road between poles 103 and 104. If this drainage technique is successful, Mr. Hansen will have a warrant article ready for the next town meeting. He is hoping the Town will be able to deal with that particularly bad portion of road by fixing the drainage problem first, followed by paving. Mike read a letter from Selectperson Clark stating that she was in favor of the road agent’s recommendations. Mike also agreed. Rich would like to see that poor section shimmed this year instead of the hill.
Mike made a motion to table this issue until Michelle is present in order to vote, Rich 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Gayle Clogston spoke to the Board about some concerns she has relating to the care of the cemetery on North Groton Road. She said she visited her husband’s grave in mid June, and her son visited it a week later only to discover that it had not been cleaned or mowed yet this year. Mike explained that the Board appreciates her concerns but they have no authority over the cemetery trustees. He asked if Ms. Clogston had spoken directly to the trustees. She had not. Mike asked if she would be willing to do so. The trustees will be meeting Monday, July 14 at 6:00 pm at the Town House and Ms. Clogston has agreed to meet with them. Trustee Pattie Bailey did explain some of the issues the trustees had to deal with this spring including weather, personnel changes, faulty equipment, etc. The front part of the North Groton Road cemetery had been cleaned and mowed, but the back portion tends to be very wet, and all the rain in June prevented the sexton from finishing the work until a few days before the 4th.
The Board reviewed the Dillon Driveway permit. Mr. Hansen explained how the driveway will be put in. Questions and concerns were raised about the Atwell/Orange Brook Bridge.
Mike made a motion to sign the amended building permit for Golden, Rich 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Mike made a motion to sign the Intent to Cut for Jewell Mountain Forest, Map 3 Lots 2,4,5,10, Rich 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Rich made a motion to sign the 911 Liaison verification form, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Rich made a motion to sign the amended septic design for Circle Program, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Mike made a motion to table choosing a new mailbox until they have a work session, Rich 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Pattie Bailey gave an update on the work the cemetery trustees have been doing.
Mr. Hansen said the town has one old mower that has been repaired and is available for use by the sexton or trustees.
Questions and Comments were taken from the audience.
Pattie Bailey would like to see the speed limit on River Road lowered. Mike asked that she talk with the police department. They will do an investigation into whether or not the current speed is reasonable.
Mike made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:52pm, Rich 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Respectfully submitted,
Pamela Hamel,
Administrative Assistant