Town of Groton
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
July 29, 2008
In Attendance: Michael Brogna, Michelle Clark, Pamela Hamel (Administrative Assistant)
Audience Members Present
Mike called the meeting to order at 7:02pm and read the appointments, announcements and the minutes of July 22, 2008 to the audience. Michelle made a motion to accept the minutes as written, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Michelle wanted to know if the Road Agent had submitted his timetable for working on Edgar Albert Road and his written response to the complaint about the condition of Province Road. Pam replied that he had not. The Board would like Pam to send Glen Hansen a memo asking for these written responses and to also let him know that the state takes care of a short portion of road from Halls Brook Road toward Old Rumney Road. The paving should begin at the point where the state leaves off. This is closer to Old Rumney Road.
Health Officer Chuck Stata explained that the state is attempting to align each community to a public health region. Currently, Groton has been assigned to the Franklin region. At the Board’s request, Mr. Stata drafted a letter for their signature explaining the town’s desire to be aligned with the Plymouth region. After reviewing the letter, Mike made a motion to sign the Health Region Assignment
Request letter, Michelle 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Police Chief White informed the Board that he had met with the Police Chief of Alexandria as well as the fire chiefs for both Alexandria and Hebron, and a representative of Maxam to discuss security measures for Maxam’s facility off Hardy Country Road in Alexandria. He also intends to meet with Roger Thompson, the Fire Chief of Groton. These meetings will be ongoing. Some of the issues to be discussed include gating the immediate area around the facility, having good signage along Hardy Country Road, and emergency measures. He is requesting that at least one member of the Board to attend any future meetings. The Board will be sure to have a representative at any meetings.
The Board announced that they have decided to hire Chris Faucher as the regular Transfer Station attendant, and Tammy Golubski and Ken Gould as alternates to fill in as needed and help with special projects such as painting. Mr. Faucher will have a 90 day probationary period followed by an evaluation. Michelle made a motion hire Chris Faucher as the permanent/regular Transfer Station Attendant, and Ken Gould and Tammy Golubski as the alternates, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Mike made a motion to give Pam her time off with pay, using her comp and holiday time up first, and any remaining time to come off her vacation time, Michelle 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Mike said they had received 2 letters of interest for the vacant selectman’s seat. Mike made a motion to table acting on these letters in order to give more time for residents who are interested in filling the position to submit their letters of interest, Michelle 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Michelle made a motion to sign the Report of Cut for Green Acre Woodlands, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Michelle made a motion to amend the 07-22-08 minutes to read Plymouth Regional High School instead of Newfound, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Questions and comments were taken from the audience.
Ken Martell suggested that the old garage building currently at the Transfer Station be moved to the Town House for the new cruiser.
Shirley Leone handed in a written request for a copy of the minutes and tape of the 07-08-08 selectmen’s meeting, and the tape of the 07-22-08 meeting.
Jim Sutton presented Chairman Brogna with a blue pinstripe suit that he and a few others in the community pitched in to get.
Marina Chase requested that pictures of Edgar Albert Road be taken so the logging company would not be blamed for its current condition.
Mike made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:00pm, Michelle 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Respectfully submitted,
Pamela Hamel
Administrative Assistant