Town of Groton

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes

August 26, 2008



In Attendance:  Michael Brogna, Michelle Clark, Pamela Hamel (Administrative Assistant)


Audience Members Present


Mike called the meeting to order at 7:05pm and read the appointments, announcements and minutes of August 12 to the audience. Michelle made a motion to accept the minutes as written, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Tim Carney from the New Hampshire State Dam Bureau gave a brief overview of the gaging system they have asked USGS to install on the Cockermouth River. The Bureau monitors dozens of these systems throughout the state. They had an agreement with the town to install a gage in 2002 but did not have enough funding to put it in. The Legislature recently appropriated sufficient funds for 10 additional stations. The gage would be connected to the town garage phone line for out calling only. This would be at no cost to the town. The gage will monitor the flow and level of the Cockermouth. When necessary, calls would go out to the Dam Bureau, USGS, and two local numbers. This would alert someone to visit the site to assess the risk of flooding and the need to evacuate. The Dam Bureau would also use this data to regulate the water level in Newfound Lake thus affecting water wildlife, recreation, shoreline structures, flooding, etc. Currently, there are no inflow stations for Newfound Lake. The Board asked if someone from USGS would be contacting them before putting in the gage as they would like to visit the site with them.


Mike made a motion to sign the USGS gaging system installation request with a note that the Board will be notified when the gage will be put in, Michelle 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike made a motion to set up interviews with each person who had submitted a letter of interest in the vacant selectmen’s position, Michelle 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Chuck Stata gave a brief update on the results of the Town’s request to Public Health Regional Planning for reassignment. As a result of the letter sent by the Board of Selectmen, Groton has been reassigned from the Franklin region to the Plymouth region.


The Board set up a work session with the Health Officer for Thursday, August 30 at 5:30pm.


The Board reviewed the MS1.  Selectperson Clark asked if the amount of Payment In Lieu Of Taxes (PILOT) the town receives for the State Forest Land located in Groton should be included on the MS1.  Mike made a motion to table signing the MS1 until this question is answered, Michelle 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike asked that Pam prepare a memo and budget sheets for the Department Heads so they can begin the budget process.


Michelle made a motion to sign the MS1 at the Thursday work session if the PILOT question has been answered, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted


Michelle made a motion to table the Groton Wind LLC building permit until they show a vested interest as this is a commercial venture, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike read the letter from Lane requesting permission to repair the 1st bridge on Nedeau Lane. Bonnie Lane said they were going to replank it but she was unsure what other work might be needed. Mike made a motion to table this request until more details are known, Michelle 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


The Board reviewed the 4 driveway permits for the Vintage Lands, LLC subdivision off of Sculptured Rocks Road.


Mike made a motion to cancel the selectmen’s meeting for September 9 because it is the State Primary, Michelle 2nd, all in favor, so vote. Michelle will cover the election from 8-4, Mike will come in at 4.


Mike made a motion to sign abatements for taxing errors, Michelle 2nd, all in favor, so voted. These abatements are for a paper trail only. No money is being exchanged. Two were for duplicate billings, 2 for the state who is exempt.


Mike made a motion to send the Administrative Assistant to Part II of the State Statutes Course, Michelle 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


The Board asked Shirley Leone if the Leones were constructing a building at their Campground. Mrs. Leone replied that they have built a barn in reliance upon a building permit that was issued on August 22, 2006. Groton building permits are good for 2 years. She said the building was complete and was for personal use for hay storage for their horses. The Board asked that the Leones provide them with a copy of expenses incurred for that structure prior to the zoning ordinance adoption which would indicate whether or not they had a vested interest in the project. The Board had required the Circle Program to provide the same information earlier this summer when they were putting up an Activities Building on their site. Mrs. Leone said she wasn’t sure what the Board was asking of her and requested that the town attorney contact their attorney. Mike made a motion to have the Town’s attorney contact Leone’s attorney with their request, Michelle 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


 Vicki Kimball gave an update on the Old Home Day activities.


Anne Tobine gave a GRC update. She had a proof of the Bronze plaque for the Board’s review. Mike asked that the date be put on it if possible. The estimated cost is $313. The GRC requested and was given permission to receive bids for the labor to spread sand and build a walkway at the park. Mrs. Tobine also gave the Board the receipts for payment for the Pavilion and the picnic tables. Michelle asked Pam to verify the bid amount for the Pavilion. Mike made a motion to get the paperwork to the Trustees for their approval, signature and the transfer of funds from the GRC Capital Reserve fund, Michelle 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


The Board asked Pam to send a memo to the Road Agent concerning a complaint received about a culvert on Province Road. They would like a response sent ASAP.


Mike made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:25pm, Michelle 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Respectfully submitted,

Pamela Hamel

Administrative Assistant