Town of Groton
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes (Amended)
September 30, 2008
In Attendance: Michael Brogna, Michelle Clark, Miles Sinclair, Pamela Hamel (Administrative Assistant)
Audience Members Present
Mike called the meeting to order at 7:16pm and read the appointments, announcements and the minutes of September 23 to the audience. Mike made a motion to approve the minutes as written, Miles 2nd, so voted with Michelle abstaining.
Mike made a motion to sign the letter to Mr. Foley, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Michelle made a motion to sign the building permit for Brogna, Miles 2nd, so voted, Mike abstaining.
The Leones were not at the meeting when their name came up on the agenda. Mrs. Leone had called the office stating that they would be late and asked if the Board could address them when they arrived. Mike said they could table the issue until the Leones arrived.
Mike read the letter from Kevin Maass concerning the recent Zoning Board decision about the Maxam request for special exception. His concerns were that the Zoning Board did not handle the hearing in a proper manner. He believes that the Maxam request goes against the Town’s Master Plan and Zoning Ordinance. Brenda Conrad asked if a member of the Board of Selectmen could sit on the Zoning Board as a non-voting member. She did not think that there were any RSAs prohibiting this and believes that the town of Alton has a non-voting selectman liaison on its Zoning Board. There was much discussion as to whether or not this would present a conflict of interest. Pam will be getting in touch with the Local Government Center for clarification. At this time, the Board’s position on the Zoning Board issues brought up in Mr. Maass’ letter is for the Zoning Board members to get together and talk about it. If they need assistance, the Board of Selectmen is available for help but they do not have any jurisdiction over the Zoning Board.
Mike read a letter from Lou & Marilyn Lieto which was a response to Mr. Maass’ letter. The Lietos believe that Mr. Maass’ comments are at odds with what they observed at the meeting and they wanted the Board of Selectmen to have the benefit of hearing another viewpoint. They believe that the criteria required by law was objectively and uniformly applied and the information supplied satisfied the requirements of the Town’s Zoning Ordinance.
The Board reviewed an Intent to Cut for Peter Newton. It was noted that there are some back taxes due on the property. RSA 79:10-a requires a bond or security to be posted as a condition of cut if the owner is delinquent on timber or property taxes. There was some discussion as to whether or not the statute refers to delinquent as of the final tax bill which is issued in December, or also includes the July tax billing. Pam will be researching this.
Mike made a motion to table the Intent to Cut for Newton until the question concerning past due taxes could be answered, Michelle 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
The Board reviewed a letter from Antonio Taveres concerning the missing street sign at Snoburk Lane. Glen Hansen said he has done an inventory of all the missing street signs in Groton and submitted an order for new signs. This was done approximately one month ago. The signs will be put up as soon as they arrive. There was some discussion on how to keep these signs from being stolen as that appears to be a problem.
Anne Tobine gave an update for the GRC. They made a $137 profit on their recent dance. The committee will be having their annual craft fair on November 1. They are currently accepting bids for 2 projects; hauling and spreading sand around the playground equipment, and building a handicap walkway. Bids are due October 7. The Recreation Committee recommends to the Board that Alison Bagley be appointed as a member of the committee. Mike made a motion to appoint Alison Bagley to the Recreation Committee, Michelle 2nd, all in favor, so voted. Mike asked that the GRC follow up on the verbal request with a written request for their file.
Glen Hansen gave an update on grading the roads. The Town of Bristol brought their grader to Groton on Tuesday, September 30. There will be no charge for use, just fuel and Glen’s labor. In return, Glen will be available to assist Bristol’s Road Agent when needed.
Miles addressed a road hazard on Sculptured Rocks Roads. A plastic culvert that is sticking above the road is broken and has several sharp edges. Glen has already ordered a new culvert and plans to put it in on Thursday evening, weather permitting. Although an orange cone marks where the damaged culvert is, the Board would like something that cannot be easily blown away such as saw horses and crime tape as well as some warning signs to be placed at the site.
Mike made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:25pm, Michelle 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Respectfully submitted,
Pamela Hamel
Administrative Assistant