Town of Groton
Selectmens Meeting Minutes (Amended)
October 7, 2008
In Attendance: Michael Brogna, Miles Sinclair, Pamela Hamel (Administrative Assistant)
Audience Members Present
Mike called the meeting to order at 7:07pm and read the appointments, announcements and the minutes of September 30 to the audience. Miles asked to amend the minutes to read plastic culvert instead of metal culvert. Mike made a motion to approve the minutes as amended, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted
Miles read a letter from the Board concerning their position on the newly constructed barn at the Buck N Horse Campground. The board has decided that it will take the Leones at their word that the barn is for personal use only, despite suspicions and perhaps some evidence to suggest otherwise. They have concluded that there is insufficient cause to pursue an enforcement action at this time. They have also weighed the issue relating to the adoption of the zoning ordinance and believe it would not be in the best interests of the townspeople to risk potentially costly litigation, considering the facts as they are known. The Board has asked the Leones, in the spirit of cooperation and while showing deference to the will of the town, to apply for a special exception now if their future intent is to use the barn for commercial purposes. Frank Grelle brought up the use of the existing bathhouse/office/store. Mike told him the building was put up before the zoning ordinance was adopted and its use is not in question. Miles noticed an error on the letter where the printer had cut off a portion of a few words. He would like to print off another copy before signing it. Mike made a motion to sign the letter to Leones once the error has been corrected, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so vote.
Mike explained RSA 79:10-a. It says that a property owner who is delinquent on taxes must post a bond before an Intent to Cut can be signed for his property. Mike made a motion to draw up a letter to Mr. Newton explaining the need for a bond to cover the estimated timber tax amount, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted. Ken Martell asked if he could post the bond for Mr. Newton. The board said they can accept that as long as Mr. Newton is in agreement. There was some discussion as to the steps to take when posting a bond. Mike made a motion to table the Intent to Cut for Newton, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Miles made a motion to sign the letter to Tavares concerning the road signs, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
The Board received the written request from GRC for the appointment of Alison Bagley to the committee.
Mike made a motion to sign the building permit for Taylor, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Mike made a motion to sign the building permit for Foley, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Miles made a motion to sign the Election Posting document, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Mike read a letter from Jane Gilman requesting the town policy on keeping police call logs. The Board would like to set up a work session with the chief to discuss her letter. In the meantime, the Board has drawn up a response to Ms. Gilman acknowledging the receipt of her letter. Mike made a motion to sign the letter to Ms. Gilman, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Mike mentioned that the town has received some fuel assistance and weatherization pamphlets for anyone who feels they will need assistance this winter. The state is urging people to apply for assistance early. Please contact the selectmen’s office for more details or to receive a pamphlet.
Mike opened the one bid the GRC received for the work at the playground. It was from Gordon Coursey and Son, LLC for $6485. Mike reviewed all the work that would be covered under this bid amount. Pam Yinger reported that the GRC recommends that the Board accept this bid. Miles asked for verification that there are sufficient funds in the Recreation Capital Reserve Fund for this project. Current balance is $10,419.41. Mike made a motion to accept the Gordon Coursey and Son, LLC bid, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
The Selectmen’s office will be closed Monday, October 13 for the Columbus Day Holiday.
Mike read a letter from Albert and Brenda Conrad regarding the public hearing for Maxam. The Conrads do not feel allowing Maxam to build in Groton is in harmony with the type of development depicted in the Town’s Master Plan. This sparked some discussion on the hearing process.
Chuck gave a brief follow up on some possible health concerns in town. He reported that there were no violations.
Pam Yinger asked the Board for permission to use the Hall for the annual Library Halloween party on Saturday, Oct 25 from 2-4. Mike made a motion to allow the Library to use the Hall for the Halloween party, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Mike made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:32pm, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Respectfully submitted,
Pamela Hamel
Administrative Assistant