Town of Groton
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes (Amended)
October 28, 2008
In Attendance: Michael Brogna, Miles Sinclair, Pamela Hamel (Administrative Assistant)
Audience Members Present
Mike called the meeting to order at 7:05pm and read the appointments, announcements and the minutes of October 7 to the audience. Mike asked to make the following changes:
Miles asked to change ‘selling him’ to ‘selling them’
Mike made a motion to approve the minutes as amended, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
The Board asked for an update on Ms. Smolinsky’s request to have someone check the old trailer and propane tank off of North Groton Road. Chuck Stata reported that he did not feel there was any hazard posed. Miles asked him if he had actually walked down and picked up the propane tank. Mr. Stata replied that he had not, but that even if the tank contained propane and sprung a leak, the gas would just dissipate. There was some discussion about the need to inspect the property and send a letter to the owner mentioning that the Board had received a concern from a resident that this old trailer and propane tank could pose a potential hazard, and ask what plans the property owner has concerning this trailer/propane tank. Mr. Stata will inspect the property. Mike made a motion to draw up a letter to the owner, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
The Board received a response from Robert Jackson concerning the building being done on his property on Spectacle Pond. Mr. Jackson said he is building a 140 square ft screen room that is an extension of an existing deck. He reported that the placement of the footings and base construction were begun in August 2007, prior to the enactment of the Comprehensive Shoreland Protection Act and thus exempt from that act. He also believes that this screen room is included in the continuing renovations under an existing building permit issued in 2006. However, he did submit an application and check for a new permit. The Board reviewed his existing permit and did not find any indication of adding a deck or screen room. The 2006 permit was issued for an additional bedroom and bath, and the remodeling of an existing loft area. There was some discussion about the CSPA, the location of this screen room, and who is responsible to assure compliance. Mr. Stata wanted to know if the Board requires a property owner who must have a shoreland permit to acquire it from the state before a building permit is issued. Jackie Brogna stated that since the Board requires proof of an approved septic design before issuing a permit, why would they not require the same for a CSPA permit? Miles made a motion to table the Jackson building permit until next week so they can research it, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
The Board discussed the Avitar Software Update. Mike made a motion to table this until the Board can have a conference call with Avitar, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted. Pam will set up a conference call for the afternoon of Tuesday, November 4.
The Board asked the audience members present for a show of hands for changing the Selectmen’s meeting time to 6:00pm or keeping it at 7:00pm. The vote was 6 to 5 to keep the meeting at 7:00. Both members of the Board also preferred to keep the meeting at 7:00. Mike made a motion to keep the meeting time at 7:00pm, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Mike made a motion to sign the Mason & Rich contract for doing the 2008 MS-5 and related accounting services and reconciliations, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted. The estimated cost is $3669.
Mike announced that the deadline for submitting letters of intent from any resident interested in filling the vacant selectman’s position is November 11. To date, they have received 2 letters. Ms. Smolinsky asked if a background check is required for this position, and if not, why not. Mike explained that it is an elected position. Miles said that the election or appointing of a selectman is governed by NH State Statute which does not require a background check.
Miles reported that Mike Taylor returned the $15 refund check because he believes he paid $10 for the building permit application, not $25.
Mike announced that Miles has agreed to take the position of Selectman liaison to the Planning Board. Miles asked Mike to explain what his role would be.
Board reviewed the paperwork for the building permits for Maxam. They have applied for 2 permits and submitted the Release of Municipality Liability paperwork. Miles had some questions about the conditions placed on Maxam’s special exception, specifically concerning visibility coming off Hardy Country Road. No distance was stipulated. Miles feels that conditions were not specific enough. However, the conditions placed on a special exception are something that is handled by the Zoning Board. Mike made a motion to sign the building permits for Maxam for a 10x50 office/maintenance building and a 20x45 steel magazine, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Mike read Groton’s 2008 county tax assessment apportioned by the DRA. The amount is $98,454.00. The amounts for 2006 and 2007 respectively were $70,808.00 and $91,660.00. Tax due date is December 17.
Mike read a letter from Trustee Gordon Coursey requesting that the Board appoint Jackie Brogna to fill the vacant position of Trustee of the Trust Funds. RSA 669:73 gives the authority for filling this vacancy to the Board of Selectmen. There was some discussion as to whether or not a third trustee was necessary. However, since Mr. Coursey was winner of the bid for doing work at the Playground and the payment comes from the Groton Recreation Capital Reserve Fund, it is necessary to appoint a third trustee as the funds cannot be appropriated without majority approval and Mr. Coursey will need to abstain from the vote. This presented an addition dilemma as there are only 2 Board members and normally Board members do not vote on matters dealing with themselves or a member of their family. Both Mike and Miles agreed that it was necessary to appoint a new trustee and up to this point, no one had expressed an interest in filling this vacancy. Mike asked if there were any members of the audience who would object to Mike voting on this appointment. There were none. In light of that Mike made a motion to appoint Jackie Brogna as a Trustee of the Trust Funds, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Anne Tobine gave an update on the work done at the playground. The walkway and ground work is finished. Mr. Coursey was able to save them $85 on the original bid and over $800 on the sand. Mrs. Tobine did not have the savings for the reclaimed asphalt. Dan Tobine and Glen Hansen did some work on the ice rink. It should be ready for this winter. Alison Bagley has planted some shrubs and other greenery. Mike asked if the shrubbery needed to be covered for protection from the snow. Mrs. Tobine will look into this. She then submitted the paperwork for payment for the work Gordon Coursey & Son LLC had done. Mike made a motion to pass this paperwork on to the Trustees of the Trust Funds for approval and signature, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Pam Yinger reported that the Library Halloween party was a success with over 40 people attending.
Mike made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:40pm, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Respectfully submitted,
Pamela Hamel
Administrative Assistant