Town of Groton

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes (Amended)

November 11, 2008



In Attendance:  Michael Brogna, Miles Sinclair, Pamela Hamel (Administrative Assistant)


Audience Members Present


Mike called the meeting to order at 7:07pm and read the appointments, announcements and the minutes of October 28 to the audience. Mike asked to make the following amendment:



Mike made a motion to approve the minutes as amended, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted. 


Mike reported that Ken Martel was the only one who submitted a request to be on a building committee that would look into a possible way to get the Police Cruiser under cover. Mike read Ken’s letter to the audience. Miles asked if there were any audience members who would like to be a part of the committee. Frank Grelle said he had spoken to Mr. Martell about it but has not agreed to be on the committee. Miles made a motion to appoint Ken Martell to the committee and if additional people want to become a part they can do so with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


The Board discussed the building permit request for Jackson. The question is whether or not the wording “meets all other requirements” which is in the town’s building permit guidelines includes any required state permits. There was a lot of discussion on the intended meaning of the guidelines. Currently, the Town requires state septic approval and a state or local driveway permit (if needed). Mike made a motion to deny the building permit until the Jacksons have submitted a shoreland permit or proof of exemption, and to write a letter of explanation to them, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike gave a brief summary on the conference call the Board had with Avitar concerning their software update. Avitar will continue to support the current software for a while longer. They were unable to give a firm date as to how long. Mike made a motion to table the Avitar software update and put it in the 2009 budget, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike read a letter from the Board to Chuck Stata requesting that he contact Robert Hodgdon, the owner of the old trailer off North Groton Road that Ms. Smolinsky had expressed concern over. Miles explained that Mr. Stata had taken several photos of the trailer and the Board feels its presents a potential hazard. Miles made a motion to sign the letter and forward it to the Health Officer, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike read a letter from the Board to Jane Gilman in response to her letter asking about the Town’s policies regarding record keeping for police call logs. Chief White has responded to Ms. Gilman with a memo to the Board. This memo will be attached to the letter. Miles made a motion to sign the letter to Ms. Gilman, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


The Board has received 3 letters of interest for the vacant selectman’s position: Daryl Smith, Peter Bailey and Jo O’Connor. Pam will set up interviews for the 3 candidates. Mike made a motion to table this until the interviews have been conducted, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike explained that after signing the building permits for Maxam, the Selectmen’s office received a request for a rehearing of the ZBA decision. This request was submitted to the Town Clerk but somehow never made it to the Board.  Miles reported that the Board held an emergency meeting and had made a motion to rescind the permits until they receive the ZBA’s response to the petitioner’s request. Although the ZBA denied the request, there remains a period of time when the petitioner can take it to superior court. Alan Barnard has approached Miles requesting that the Board give Maxam permission to pour the foundation. Miles had asked Pam to call LGC to find out what the town’s legal status would be in this situation. He and Mike had just received a memo from Pam with this information, and they would like some time to think it over and possibly discuss it (if time allows) in the Wed. evening work session. Miles made a motion to table this until they can review this new information, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike made a motion to sign the Donegan building permit for a 1,100 sq ft log home, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike read a letter from the Dorchester Board of Selectmen. They are in favor of a Dorchester/Groton mutual road aid agreement, provided in the form of man-power and equipment in the event of an unforeseen highway emergency. Glen Hansen explained that this possible agreement came to pass relative to not having a back up for plowing the roads last winter when the town truck was broken down. Dorchester has agreed to act as a back up. Mike would like to see a letter drafted with more specific guidelines. Miles made a motion to accept this letter in principle but would like to see more specifics, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike read the 2009 Statewide Enhanced Education Tax to the audience. The state is asking the town to raise $147,210.


Mike made a motion to sign the memo to the Town Clerk/Tax Collector and Deputy, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted. The Board believes that it is in the best interests of the Town if the Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s office no longer receive mail intended for the Selectmen, Planning Board, Zoning Board and other town boards and committees except where a deadline is involved.


Mike read a letter from the Board to John and Kimberly Faucher concerning the mobile home located on their property off of Bailey Hill Road. Mike made a motion to sign the letter to John and Kimberly Faucher, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike read a letter from a resident who was inquiring whether or not they must sign their name to a complaint or remain anonymous. Miles explained that the police get the majority of their information from anonymous sources. He asked Pam to call LGC to make sure this was addressed properly. Mike made a motion to table this until they have an answer from LGC, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted. After much discussion with members of the audience and the administrative assistant that included possible scenarios, Mike made a motion to rescind the Board’s earlier decision, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted. Mike made a new motion to have this person fill out a complaint and sign it Concerned Citizen of Groton, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted. Miles asked that the complaint be specific and include a way to contact the one submitting it if necessary.


Mike read a letter from Bruce Blye. He was asking if he and the Ellis/Wallace family have the authority to name their road, and would like to know what is required to obtain 911 numbers. Mike made a motion to table this until they can find out the steps to naming a road, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Miles made a motion to sign the letter to Tavares concerning the new road sign on Snoburk, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted. Pam will investigate whether the original name was Snoburk Road or Lane.


Mike made a motion to approve the amended septic plans for Ellis/Wallace, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Miles reported that he was up in Hardy Country Sunday afternoon as a member of the Hardy Country Snowmobile Club when he came across some items left behind by the loggers working for Dillon. There was what appeared to be a large air filter and 2 five gallon buckets that had been filled with some kind of lubricant. These buckets had been run over, spilling the lubricant onto the ground. There were also 4 or 5 other containers of lubricant left lying around as well. He asked the audience if they would like to see the Town address this issue. The response was yes. Pam will call the state to file a complaint. Miles is willing to show the state the exact location.


Betty Smolinsky wanted to know when the Cemetery Trustees were going to receive some fill for the cemeteries. They requested this 2 months ago. The road agent had said there was fill available. Glen wanted to make sure it was okay for him to use the town truck. The Board was fine with that. Glen will volunteer his time and the Trustees will pay $20 toward diesel.


Judy Demers and Bonnie Lane asked to use the Town Hall on November 22 for the annual Thanksgiving Dinner. Mike made a motion to grant Judy and Bonnie permission to use the Town Hall for the Thanksgiving Dinner, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Betty Smolinsky asked if she could rent or borrow a table for Thanksgiving. In the past, residents have been able to borrow tables and chairs. The Board would like her to sign out for whatever she will be using. There is no fee.


Glen gave a brief update on the Town’s eligibility to receive FEMA funds to repair roads damaged due to the heavy summer rains. Province Road does qualify to receive funds, as well as a few other areas in town.


Mike made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:15pm, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Respectfully submitted,

Pamela Hamel

Administrative Assistant