Town of Groton

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes

December 2, 2008



In Attendance:  Michael Brogna, Miles Sinclair, Pamela Hamel (Administrative Assistant)


Audience Members Present


Mike Brogna called the meeting to order at 7:03pm and read the appointments, announcements and the minutes of November 18 to the audience. Mike made a motion to approve the minutes as written, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted. 


Miles gave a brief update on the Board’s meeting with the Department of Labor. After softening up a bit, the DOL reduced the fine to $200, then suspended that amount pending the Town coming into compliance. The DOL will be calling this week to schedule a follow up visit.


Mike read a letter of thanks from Antonio Tavares concerning the resolving of the name for Snoburk Lane.


The GRC request to use revolving funds for a donation.  The Board reviewed the RSA’s concerning this fund. The RSA’s do not directly address this. Pam reported that the Town’s DRA municipal contact, Michelle Clark, has a spread sheet that will give a better explanation for the use of these funds. However, the spread sheet will not be available for several more days as the Department is in the process of moving and Ms. Clark does not have access to her computer. Miles made a motion to table this until they have an opportunity to review this spread sheet, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike read a letter from the Board to the Hebron Board of Selectmen asking if they would consider pursuing a joint Hebron/Groton Police Department. There was some discussion over the pros and cons of such a venture. The Board generated this letter at the request of a resident at last week’s meeting. Before any committees are formed, the Board would like to see if Hebron is even interested in pursuing this venture. Mike made a motion to sign the letter and send it to the Hebron Board of Selectmen, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike read a letter from Robert Jackson regarding his building permit request. The Jacksons are currently applying for a CSPA permit from the State. Once they receive this, they will resubmit their building permit application. They ask that the Town hold onto their $10 check for the fee. The Board would like Pam to be in touch with the Jacksons to let them know that their check will be held until they resubmit their permit request.


Glen Hansen gave an update on the repair work that he did on Sculptured Rocks Road. The pot holes have been repaired with hot asphalt patch material, and the area ditched in order to deal with the water runoff. He reported that the area still needs a little more adjustment but the water is flowing well. He has verbal permission from Stanley Jackson to extend this ditching onto the Jackson property. The Board would like him to get this permission in writing.


Miles raised a concern about a rock that he feels should be marked with some kind of post in order to avoid hitting it with the plow and potentially causing problems with a new culvert that was just installed as well as damaging the plow. Mr. Hansen explained that he is familiar with all the areas that he needs to avoid while plowing thus he has not bothered to mark them. The Board pointed out that, if for some reason he is unable to plow, his replacement will not have that same knowledge. They would like these areas marked.


Marina Chase asked if she and her husband could take down a dead birch tree that is at the edge of their property in the Town’s right of way off of Edgar Albert Road. The Board would like the Road Agent to take a look at it and get back to them.


Town Health Officer Chuck Stata submitted his findings to the Board concerning the alleged septic and building violations on Larry Abbott’s property. Based upon his inspection, he did not find any health violations, but he did report that Mr. Abbott has built something different than what he has a permit for. Instead of putting in an entryway, he has built a two story structure which includes a loft. Mr. Stata submitted photos of the project. The Board asked if he had inspected the interior as there was some concern over what the Abbotts are doing with their gray water. He had not. The Board asked that he return to do an internal inspection, and if he is unable to secure permission from the home owner for this inspection, they would like Mr. Stata to seek an administrative search warrant. The Board wanted to make it clear that they are not out looking for violations, but since a complaint has been filed and the evidence is reasonable, they feel it needs to be thoroughly investigated. The Town has adopted a Health Ordinance, and when a situation is brought to the attention of the Board, it is their responsibility to see that these are fully investigated. Miles feels this situation rises to the level of allowing the court to determine whether or not there is sufficient probable cause to issue an administrative order, Mike 2nd this.


Miles made a motion to table the building permit aspect of the allegation until the investigation is completed, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Miles gave an update on the fluid spills and containers left behind by the loggers for Dillon. He discovered that the property in question was actually in Hebron, not Groton. Miles contacted the company’s forester, Ted Tichy, who said he will make sure the area gets cleaned up. At this time, Miles is waiting for Mr. Tichy’s confirmation that this has been done. If he does not hear from him, Miles will file a complaint with DES.


The Board reviewed the Baker River Valley Snowmobile Club’s request for permission to access Town property. There was discussion about where the trails are actually located. Miles would like a representative of the Baker River Valley Club to meet with them to discuss what roads they are requesting permission to travel on, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike read a memo concerning the use of private vehicles for town business. Per Town policy, private vehicles are permitted with the Board’s approval. A certificate of insurance must be on file in the Selectmen’s office. Anyone looking for mileage reimbursement must use the mileage form, have the Department Head sign off on it, and submit the request on a weekly or monthly basis. Forms are available in the office. Mike made a motion to send the memo to the Department Heads, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Miles made a motion to table the National Grid request until they can review the paperwork, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike made a motion to continue using Town and Country Reprographics to print the Town Report, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted. Pam requested 3 quotes for the job. She received two responses. The Town and Country bid came in under $1,000, the other bid was for $1600.


Board gave an update on the current status of the Police Department. Joe Pivirotto has exceeded his 1300 hour limit, thus will not be working again until the new year. Bill Gabler has relocated and resigned, Bill Jolly has resigned for personal reasons. The active officers are Bill White, EJ Thompson and Travis Austin. Miles made a motion to publish a notice seeking candidates for a part time police officer in Groton, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted. The Board will have a warrant article ready for Town Meeting asking the town whether they would like the Chief’s position to be full time or part time.


Miles will be attending the legislative breakfast this week.


Mike read a letter submitted by Linda Falchetta. She was under the impression that the town had more police coverage, specifically on call time. The budget that was approved at Town Meeting last year did not fund on call time. There will be a new warrant article to present to the town this year.


Mike made a motion to grant the Historical Society permission to use the Town House on Saturday, Dec 20 from 1-4 pm for their Christmas Party, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Miles made a motion to appoint Daryl Smith to fill the interim position of Selectman, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted. Pam will be in contact with Mr. Smith to arrange for him to get sworn in and have his signature added to the signature card.


The Conservation Committee will not be meeting in December. Their next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 29.


The Library will be having their annual Christmas Party Saturday, December 13 from 1-3pm.


Shirley Leone asked if a building permit was needed if someone moves a camper onto their property in order to live in it. Mike reported that if it is registered in Groton, on wheels and used as a temporary dwelling only, then it is not necessary. If it isn’t registered, then a building permit is required. There was some discussion as to what constitutes temporary.


Mike made a motion to go into a non public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (b) & (c) at 9:35pm, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike made a motion to go back into public session at 10:03pm, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike made a motion to seal the non public minutes, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Pam reported that she had filed the biennial report with the Department of Labor.


Miles said that since he has been a member of the Board, the Selectmen have asked the Health Officer to check into two issues. He does not feel that the initial investigation for either issue was sufficient. He would like to address this with the Health Officer at a work session.


Pam reported that the Road Agent and his assistants will be attending a snow plowing safety seminar in Alexandria on Tuesday, December 9.


Mike made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:07pm, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Respectfully submitted,

Pamela Hamel   Administrative Assistant