Town of Groton
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
December 9, 2008
In Attendance: Michael Brogna, Miles Sinclair, Pamela Hamel (Administrative Assistant)
Audience Members Present
Mike Brogna called the meeting to order at 7:02pm and read the appointments, announcements and the minutes of December 2nd to the audience. Mike made a motion to approve the minutes as written, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
The Board reviewed the locations the Baker River Valley Snowmobile Club submitted as town property that they utilize. The Board clarified that there is no need to gain permission for road crossings. The Club maintains that they were told by Steve Pilcher when he was a member of the Board of Selectmen that the section of Nedeau Lane/Bailey Hill Road that the club uses is class VI. The Board asked Pam to be in touch with Mr. Pilcher to ascertain whether or not he has any documentation for that road classification. Mike made a motion to table this until they can get some clarification on the status of these roads, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Mike read a letter from National Grid re spraying the power lines in 2010. The Town had passed a warrant article in 1972 forbidding the spraying of the power lines. The Board has reviewed all the paperwork submitted by National Grid and feel the best way to go forward with this request is via a warrant article. Chuck Stata, the Health Officer, offered to put together an article for the Board to review. Mike made a motion for the Health Officer to draft a warrant article for the Board to review, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Mike read memo from Road Agent Glen Hansen addressing 3 issues that came up at last week’s meeting:
The memo also included a confirmation that the town will receive a little more than $10,000 reimbursement for road repairs due to the heavy summer rains. Also, the Road Agent would like to see a warrant article banning the pushing of snow across town roads. He will do some research on the RSA’s which govern this. The Board would like to have a work session with Glen to go over both of these issues.
The Board reviewed the petition for an administrative search warrant for the Larry Abbott property prepared by Chuck Stata to present to the court. Miles would like to see more details on the petition, details that will persuade the court to grant the warrant. He would like Mr. Stata to interview Pam concerning her original conversation with the person who submitted the complaint, as well including the photo proof that validates the building permit violation portion of the original complaint. Miles and Mr. Stata will be getting together to redraft the petition. Mike made a motion to table this until Miles and Mr. Stata can get together to draft this, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Board gave an update on their appointment of Daryl Smith as interim selectman. Mr. Smith has received a new position at his place of employment and because of this, does not feel he will have the time necessary to dedicate to the office of selectmen. After initially accepting the position, he has now declined. Mr. Smith was never sworn in. At this time, the Board is still discussing whether or not they will appoint someone else. Mike would prefer to remain with just the 2 members and allow the town to make a decision at the polls, Miles would like a little more time to think about it. Mike made a motion to table this until Miles has made a decision, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted. Mike did say that if Miles feels strongly about appointing one of the two remaining candidates, then he will consider that request.
Mike read a letter from State Representative Margie Maybeck. Ms. Maybeck apologized for not being able to attend any recent selectmen’s meetings but wanted the town to know that as their representative in Concord, she is happy to bring Groton’s interests to the State House.
Mike read a letter from Attorney Corley requesting the return receipt for the notice sent to the Aguiars concerning the subdivision dated July 25, 2007. This letter was a follow up to an original letter in which he requested the following information:
· Was there a building permit issued for the Hershberger house?
· Was there notice to the residents regarding the subdivision map dated July 25, 2007 which was approved by the Town of Groton Planning Board?
· Was there a permit issued to extend Brock Lane from the Aguiar property to the Campground?
The Board had responded to these inquiries as follows:
· There was a permit issued for the Hershberger house on May 3, 2005. The property owner at the time was David Leone.
· Notice was given to residents regarding the subdivision map dated July 25, 2007. All abutters were sent a letter of notification via certified mail. Return receipts are on file with the Planning Board. Notice of the original subdivision meeting was published in the Citizen on April 11, 2007. Original meeting was held April 25, 2007. This notice is on file with the Planning Board. Notice of the meeting was posted at the Groton Town House and Groton Transfer Station as is custom.
· The road beyond the Aguiar home has been in existence and used by loggers as an access road for years and is visible on old Town Tax Maps. This road predates the aforementioned subdivision.
There was some discussion as to why the Aguiars did not receive notice of the subdivision. Mike explained that only abutters receive these notifications. Shirley Leone said that the Aguiar property does not abut theirs. Mike made a motion to forward this letter to the Planning Board for response, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Mike made a motion to draft a letter to the attorney explaining this, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted. The Administrative Assistant will have this letter ready for the Board to sign at their work session on Wednesday evening.
Mike made a motion to sign the Intent to Cut for Aladdin Financial, Map 1, Lot 11, sub lot 1, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Mr. Stata commended Glen Hansen for all the work he did to receive the $10,000 from FEMA for the damage done to the roads due to the heavy summer rains.
Marina Chase asked if a Mutual Road Aid agreement with Dorchester will affect liability for any possible damage that might occur while the towns are helping each other out.
Miles made a motion to contact LGC to get an answer to this question, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Miles reported that the Hebron Board of Selectmen does not allow public comment during their meetings, and he is pretty certain that the Sanbornton Board only allows comment every other week. Both Miles and Mike want to have an open meeting allowing public comment. They appreciate the input of Groton Residents.
Mike made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30pm, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Respectfully submitted,
Pamela Hamel
Administrative Assistant