Town of Groton

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes (Amended)

January 20, 2009



In Attendance:  Michael Brogna, Miles Sinclair, Pamela Hamel (Administrative Assistant)


Audience Members Present


Mike Brogna called the meeting to order at 7:05pm and read the appointments, announcements and the minutes of January 13 to the audience. Miles asked to amend the minutes as follows:


Change the amount of the police garage proposal from $64,416 to $64,000.  


Miles asked Glen Hansen about the policy for taking lunch breaks while working. Glen said there was no formal policy. Employees usually take a few minutes to have a sandwich or something, and they snack while in the vehicles. Sometimes, while out plowing, he will stop by his house and grab something to eat. Kevin Wilbur does the same. They normally don’t take long sit down type lunch breaks. Anytime that they might do this, they are off the clock. Transfer Station attendant Chris Faucher brings a lunch with him and eats in between customers. Mike asked about taking breaks during long work periods in order to remain alert. Glen replied that it is their habit to get out of the trucks and get fresh air. They usually clean off the wipers or check the sand/salt or the vehicle in general. This gets them moving around. They also tend to ride with the window open so there is a constant flow of fresh air.


Mike made a motion to approve the minutes as amended, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike read the list of Town Office positions available for election and the sign up dates.


Board reviewed the contract submitted by Andover Geologic. They would like the Transfer Station Supervisor Glen Hansen to review it. Mike made a motion to table this until Mr. Hansen has reviewed it, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Miles gave an update on the Planning Board public hearing for the ratification of the zoning ordinance. There were no amendments to the ordinance, and it will be put before the voters as a ballot question in March. The Planning Board would like to put their recommendation on the ballot. Miles made a motion to contact the town’s attorney to ask if the Planning Board can include their recommendation of the article on the ballot itself, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Miles gave a brief update on the Abbott inspection. The State Health Office was contacted, and they referred the Town to Dick Deseve, Compliance Supervisor with DES. Miles spoke with him on Friday, the 16th. Mr. Deseve indicated that since there was piping from the well to the house, there would need to be a septic system. Currently, the Board is looking to coordinate with Mr. Deseve, Mike Capsalis, the State Plumbing Inspector, Chuck Stata and Miles in order to do another inspection. Mr. Stata reported that he has spoken with Dick Deseve and Health Officer Liaison Louise Hannan, and has been asked to secure another search warrant. He also spoke with Mr. Abbott. Mr. Abbott will allow them to inspect the property without a warrant if Selectmen Sinclair is not involved. He believes his wife and children experienced trauma at the last inspection because of Miles’ behavior.

Mike asked Chuck to secure a warrant and to include Miles’ name on it as well anyone from DES, Mike Capsalis and the State Plumbing Inspector. He believes that Miles should be at the inspection as well, as he has been part of the ongoing investigation. Miles said that if they are unable to secure a warrant he is willing to forgo being there as he wants them to be able to finish the investigation. However, he does feel that at their last visit Mr. Abbott exhibited deplorable behavior and did so in front of his children. As a former Police officer, Miles is sensitive to children and went out of his way to speak with them and engage them in conversation. In the end, Mr. Abbott’s son wanted Miles to have a candy cane.


Mike read a thank you letter from John Wood for the Board’s response to his inquiries.


Miles reported that the grant application for the police garage was submitted on time.


Mike introduced the Town’s new PT police officer, George Hill. George is a native of the area. He has 15 years experience as a FT officer, is the former Chief of Police of Bridgewater, and is interested in Groton’s Chief of Police position. The Board has shared with Officer Hill that this is the time to show the town what he is made of. At the March meeting the Town will be voting on whether the Chief’s position will be FT or PT.


Mike read Joe Pivirotto’s resignation as a Groton police officer, and made a motion to accept the resignation. Miles asked to amend the motion to read to accept the resignation with regret and thank officer Pivirotto for his service to the community, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Glen Hansen gave a brief update on the condition of the heater at the Transfer Station. The circulator/blower motor is inoperative and not able to be repaired, the thermostat has no adequate control capabilities and the unit is not vented. Last year Dead River said they were unable to secure the parts for this unit. Peter Bailey had said if he could get the parts it would cost upwards of $300 or $400 for repair. Because the solution used in the eye wash station should not freeze, the heater will have to be left on to the keep the room above freezing. Also, vent free units are no longer recommended. Glen presented 3 quotes for new heaters. One included the propane hook up costs. After reviewing them, the Board asked Glen to get some more literature on the units and the cost for hook up. Mike made a motion to table this until all the costs are in, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike made a motion to forward a draft of the Groton/Dorchester Mutual Road Aid Agreement to the Dorchester Board of Selectmen for their review and comments, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted. Miles asked that in the accompanying email Pam let them know that this is a draft proposal and they are looking for Dorchester’s input.


The Board reviewed the Deposit of Town Funds Policy to take steps to safeguard the assets of the Town. This policy clearly states that all town funds for deposit shall be removed from the town house and taken directly to the bank on the day of deposit. No town funds are to be stored at home overnight. Mike made a motion to sign the Deposit Policy, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Miles made a motion to set up a work session with Catelena Consulting, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted. Catelena Consulting does grant writing for communities. The Town of Dorchester has contracted their services. Mike and Miles would like the opportunity to investigate what they have to offer.


Mike made a motion to grant the GRC permission to use the Town Hall on February 14 for a spaghetti supper and dance, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike read Pam Yinger’s resignation as town Librarian. Both Board members thanked Ms. Yinger for her hard work, participation in parties and activities, and her positive attitude.


Chuck Stata heard back concerning the 1972 warrant article forbidding spraying on the power lines. Any change would make null and void the original warrant and the town would no longer have any right to determine whether or not there is spraying. Spraying would fall under the state guidelines. The Board believes the town should have the opportunity to decide if they want to rescind the original warrant article. They will bring this before the Town for a vote at Town Meeting.


Mike made a motion to go into nonpublic session at 8:35pm pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (b), Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike made a motion to go into public session at 8:50pm, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted,


Mike made a motion to seal the minutes of the non public session, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:54pm, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Respectfully submitted,

Pamela Hamel  

Administrative Assistant