Town of Groton

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes

February 3, 2009



In Attendance:  Michael Brogna, Miles Sinclair, Pamela Hamel (Administrative Assistant)


Audience Members Present


Mike Brogna called the meeting to order at 7:05pm.



Mike read the appointments, announcements and the minutes of January 27 to the audience. Miles asked to amend the minutes as follows:



Mike made a motion to approve the minutes as amended, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


The Board reviewed the quotes for a heater for the transfer station. Mike made a motion to go with the Granite Group for the purchase of the heater and Andy & Sons for the propane hook up, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Chuck Stata gave a brief update on the DES inspection of the Abbott property. He has had several phone conversations and email correspondence with Dick deSeve. Mr. deSeve had said he would issue a final report yet in a recent email he changed his mind and said he would not issue a report. Also, in an initial email, Mr. deSeve instructed Mr. Stata to call the property owner and let him know that his current system is legal and he has no need for a septic. Mr. Stata has been in touch with Mr. Abbott to relay this message. However, in Mr. deSeve’s most recent email, he indicated something else. Mr. Stata did not go into any details. He has responded to this email saying that it is unacceptable that a final report has not been issued, and asking Mr. deSeve to issue the promised final report to the Board of Selectmen, the Abbotts and himself, clarifying his findings.


Officer George Hill requested that a Highway Safety Committee be formed.  The committee would need to have a minimum of 3 members, meet periodically and would be responsible for speed enforcement programs, bicycle safety programs, etc. There are a number of grants available for these programs but the Town has to have a Highway Safety Committee in place in order to qualify for them. Miles Sinclair, George Hill and Glen Hansen are willing to be members of the committee.

Mike made a motion to form the Highway Safety Committee with the Road Agent, member of the Police Department, a member of the Board and possibly a resident, in two weeks from today, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted. Any resident interested in being on the committee should contact the selectmen’s office.


Mike read the names of all those who signed up for office and the vacancies which remain. Lou Lieto reported that the School District has 2 openings in Groton, one for the Budget Committee and one for the Board of Education. Mr. Lieto is running for the Board of Education.


The Superintendant of Schools has requested to use the Town Library for a public hearing on Feb 14 at 12:00. Mike made a motion to pass this request along to the Library Trustees, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


The Town of Bridgewater submitted a request for a detailed break down on the number of hours Officer Thompson works each week and his rate of pay. Mike made a motion to pass this request on to the Police Chief, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted. Miles asked that the Chief respond to Bridgewater through them.


Miles presented a Traffic Control Ordinance for review. Officer George Hill had written this ordinance for the Town of Bridgewater. Mike made a motion to table this until they have had the opportunity to read through it, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted. The Board and Road Agent have been considering an ordinance forbidding the pushing of snow across town roads. Glen Hansen reported that he has been able to speak with some residents who are doing this and has asked them to stop. All have been very cooperative. Mike and Miles would like Glen to communicate to the residents that are doing this through the Police Department. They do not want anyone to take it as something personal from the Road Agent.


Mike made a motion to have candidate’s night on Tuesday, February 24 at 7pm, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike asked Pam to call the GRC chair to ask if they need a check from their revolving fund in order to buy supplies for the dance.


Mike made a motion to adjourn the selectmen’s meeting and begin the budget hearing at 7:48pm, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Respectfully submitted,

Pamela Hamel  

Administrative Assistant