Town of Groton

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes

February 10, 2009



In Attendance:  Michael Brogna, Miles Sinclair, Pamela Hamel (Administrative Assistant)


Audience Members Present


Mike Brogna called the meeting to order at 7:02pm.


Mike read the appointments, announcements and the minutes of February 3rd to the audience.


Mike made a motion to approve the minutes as written, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Rick Alpers, a representative of Primex3 addressed the Board. Primex3 offers workers compensation, property & liability, health, and unemployment compensation programs as well as other services for municipalities, schools, counties and other governmental entities in New Hampshire. Currently, the Town uses the Local Government Center for these services. Miles made a motion to get a comparison quote, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike reported that the quote they accepted last week from Granite Group for a new heater for the transfer station was for 22,000 BTUs, not 14,000. The cost for the 14,000 BTU is $50 less than the larger unit. The Board decided to stay with the original quote and larger heater as it will deliver 50% more for only $50.


The Board discussed candidate’s night which has been scheduled for Tuesday, February 24. Because all candidates might not be available that night, the Board would like to make sure that any candidate who cannot make it has an opportunity to address the public at a Selectmen’s meeting. Mike made a motion to leave candidate’s night as scheduled and give anyone who cannot make it that night the option to address the public during the February 17th  or March 3rd Selectmen’s meetings, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Board quickly reviewed the packet of information Chief White had prepared for the Bridgewater Board of Selectmen. Mike made a motion to forward the packet to Bridgewater, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike made a motion to sign the 2009 MS-6, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


The Board reviewed the 2009 warrant with the changes that were voted on during the budget hearing.

Miles made a motion to sign the 2009 warrant, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike read a letter from the Supervisors of the Checklist announcing the appointment of Marilyn Lieto. Mrs. Lieto will serve in this capacity until after the March 10 Town Election.


Miles made a motion to grant the GRC’s request to withdraw $150 from their revolving fund for the purchase of supplies for the dinner and dance, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike made a motion to forward the GRC’s request to have the Road Agent check the amount of snow on the pavilion roof and remove it if necessary, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted. The Board would like him to use his discretion as to whether or not the snow needs to be removed and when. They feel the warm temperatures will cause it to slide off.


Mike read a request from Bonnie Lane to rent the Hall on Saturday, March 21. The rental agreement includes a requirement for the renter to present a certificate of insurance. Mike explained that anyone who rents the Hall is liable for any damages or injuries. The Town is not liable. Helen Santoro added that most people can get a certificate of insurance from their home owner’s insurance company.

Miles made a motion to grant Bonnie Lane approval to rent the hall pending compliance with the renter’s agreement including the submission of a certificate of insurance, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike made a motion to set up a work session with Towers Resource Management to discuss the option of leasing town property for the construction of a telecommunications tower, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


The Board has decided that a picture of the new pavilion will be on the cover of this year’s Town Report and the photo of the bell from the North Groton School House will be on the first page.


There was some discussion concerning whether or not it is necessary to appoint agents to expend from a Capital Reserve fund, whether or not the vote of the people is all that is necessary to authorize withdrawals, and if the Board of Selectmen are appointed as agents to expend from a fund, must they go back to the people before doing so. Pam will be contacting DRA for these answers.


Donna Arena asked about the current contract the town has with the cable company. She does not have the option of having cable service as it does not extend to her home. Mike said they have a contract with Adelphia which is now Time Warner Cable. They would like Pam to look up the contract and have it on next week’s agenda.


There was some discussion over the need for a generator for the Town House/Emergency Shelter. This request is on the warrant again this year. Currently, if the need arose to use the Town House as an Emergency Shelter, the Town would be unprepared.


Mike made a motion to adjourn at 8:40pm, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Respectfully submitted,

Pamela Hamel  

Administrative Assistant