Town of Groton

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes

February 17, 2009



In Attendance:  Michael Brogna, Miles Sinclair, Pamela Hamel (Administrative Assistant)


Audience Members Present


Mike Brogna called the meeting to order at 7:04pm.


Mike read the appointments, announcements and the minutes of February 10th to the audience.


Miles reported that the snow on the pavilion has slide off.


Pam was able to contact all those running for office to let them know about their opportunity to address the public during candidate’s night or during the Feb 17th or March 3rd selectmen’s meetings.


Mike made a motion to approve the minutes as written, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Chuck Stata gave an update on the conclusions reached by DES after the last inspection of the Abbott property. Initially, Mr. deSeve indicated that the Abbotts would need to fill out an application for an approval for their system. He then informed Mr. Stata that he was wrong, the Abbott’s system is legal under their current laws and they do not need to have a special permit for that type of system. Mr. Stata will be sending a letter to the Abbotts with the DES findings and will provide a copy for the town. This part of the investigation is closed. Mike made a motion to set up a work session to discuss the possible building permit violation, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted. The Board will review the pictures taken when Mr. Stata first visited the property, discuss their options and possibly seek legal counsel.


Mike made a motion to form the Highway Safety Committee, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted. Committee members are Officer George Hill, Miles Sinclair and Glen Hansen. The Board would still like to have a resident be a member of the committee. Anyone interested should contact the Selectmen’s office.


Pam spoke with a representative of Towers Resource Management. A meeting will be set up once the March elections are over and the new Board members are in place. Mike made a motion to table this until after Town Meeting, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike read a portion of the Town’s cable contract with Time Warner Cable. It is a 15 year contract that expires in 2020. It states that there needs to be a minimum of 25 homes per mile in order for there to be cable service. The Town will contact the cable company on behalf of the residents of Sculptured Rocks Road and all roads that intersect with Sculptured Rocks Road who currently have no cable service available to them.


Mike read the response from the DRA concerning Capital Reserve Funds.


The Board review the septic designs for Michele Escobar. Although the map and lot number was correct, Ms. Escobar’s first and last name was spelled incorrectly. Mike made a motion to contact Ms. Escobar and ask for corrected plans, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike asked Chuck Stata about the possibility of installing an outhouse with a permanent tank to replace the port-a-potty at the transfer station and the playground. It would be a contained system that would have to be pumped out. Mr. Stata said the state parks have this kind of system. Currently, the Town is spending over $1,300 annually for the port-a-potty at the transfer station. Mr. Stata will look into it and get quotes for a design.


The Department of Labor is requiring a Lock-out procedure in the safety manual. Miles would like Pam to contact the DOL for specifics, and ask Glen Hansen for his input and whether or not he has any equipment that requires this. Mike made a motion to set up a safety committee meeting, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Miles reported that he had looked in the downstairs closet for an extra phone jack. He didn’t find one but he did find a brand new TV and a filing cabinet. These items belong to the Library.


Mike gave a brief update on the GRC dinner and dance. About 40 people came to the dinner, less to the dance. The GRC was able to make a profit on the event.


Mike made a motion to end the Selectmen’s meeting at 8:15pm and begin the Dog Control Law public hearing, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Miles read the statutes pertaining to the Dog Control Law and the method of establishing it (RSA 466:30-a, 466:30-b, 466:31-a). The vote for this law is on this year’s ballot as Article 3, and reads as follows: “Shall we adopt the provisions of RSA 466:30-a which make it unlawful for any dog to run at large, except when accompanied by the owner or custodian, and when used for hunting, herding, supervised competition and exhibition or training for such?” Miles reported that the town attempted to establish a dog control ordinance in 1974 but the article was defeated. Without passing some kind of ordinance or law, the ACO has no enforcement authority. When asked about the civil penalties, Miles responded that the current ACO would look for people to come into compliance before invoking any penalties. The ACO and the police department would be working together as enforcement agents. The payment of any civil penalties will go into the Town’s general fund.


Mike made a motion to adjourn at 8:45pm, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Respectfully submitted,

Pamela Hamel  

Administrative Assistant