Town of Groton

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes

February 24, 2009



In Attendance:  Michael Brogna, Miles Sinclair, Pamela Hamel (Administrative Assistant)


Audience Members Present


Mike Brogna called the meeting to order at 7:03pm. Mike read the appointments and announcements to the audience.


Six candidates participated in candidate’s night. Each had an opportunity to share their thoughts with the audience and answer any questions.


Kyle Andrews: 2 year selectman seat

Miles Sinclair: 3 year selectman seat

Louis Lieto: moderator and school board

Laura Hauser:  Town Clerk/Tax Collector

Donna Bryant: Town Clerk/Tax Collector

Joyce Tolman: Library Trustee


Mike read the minutes of the February 17 selectmen’s meeting to the audience. Miles asked to amend the minutes as follows:


            Change: The Town will contact the cable company on behalf of the residents of Sculptured Rocks Road and Jewel Hill Road ….

            To: The Town will contact the cable company on behalf of the residents of Sculptured Rocks Road and all roads that intersect with Sculptured Rocks Road ……


Miles reported that the Safety Committee met to discuss the Lock-out procedure as well as other items. The work they are doing is ongoing. Another meeting will be scheduled in a few weeks.


Mike made a motion to approve the minutes as amended, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


The Board has been in touch with the Cable Company and is waiting to hear back from them.


Miles will be assisting Pam in filling out the paperwork for the voluntary US Census Border and Annexation Report. Although the town’s borders have not changed, there are a few new roads that need to be updated on the Census map.


The Board had a work session to discuss the Abbott building permit violation. They will be sending a letter of their findings to Mr. Abbott with a request that he amend his current permit application.


Jackie Brogna reported that the Trustees of the Trust Funds 2007 MS-9 report was never submitted to the State. The current Trustees have to appear at the Attorney General’s office on March 4th and submit the report. She will be taking an unpaid personal day off from work. Ms. Brogna was told by DRA that the current Trustees would be held responsible. For this reason, she would like to resign from the office effective immediately. Since she was appointed to this position last November, she does not feel she should be held responsible for the actions of the Trustees who served prior to her appointment. There was considerable discussion over the lack of communication amongst the Trustees and between the Trustees and the Selectmen’s office. The former Trustees had submitted a copy of the 2007 MS-9 to the Administrative Assistant for publication in last year’s Town Report but not for submittal to the State. Pam said that it was necessary to make several phone calls to get the Trustees to pick up their mail including registered mail. Lou Lieto suggested that Pam continue to sign for registered mail, call the Trustees and have them sign for it when they pick it up from the Selectmen’s office. The Board asked Ms. Brogna to reconsider her resignation.


Mike made a motion to close the Selectmen’s office on Friday, March 20 as the auditor will be here to work on the MS-5, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike read a letter from Ron and Blanche Aguiar’s attorney requesting the Board to issue a cease and desist to Buck N Horse Campground for inadequate access and fine the campground for each and every day that the campground conducts business. The Board has discussed this at a work session. They will be submitting the letter as well as a recent court decision between the Aguiars and the Leones to the Town’s attorney for advice. The Aguiars have recently lost in court over the use of Brock Lane. The Board is concerned they are seeking to entangle the Town in a matter that has already been settled.


Litter Free New Hampshire has requested that the town take a day to collect garbage along the state portions of its roadways. In exchange, they will provide the bags and either 2 elm trees or 800 daffodil bulbs. The Board would like to see the Police Department spearhead this for community involvement and safety purposes. Glen Hansen also mentioned safety, asking that volunteers wear safety vests and signs be posted along the roadway. Mike made a motion to forward this to Officer George Hill to see if the Police Department will spearhead this, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted. Miles asked that if the Police Department decides not to head this up, the Board would like to revisit it.


Mike read a memo to all department heads concerning the need to check over all time sheets for accuracy. In the last few months there have been several mistakes in tallying the hours. Mike made a motion to sign the memo, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike read a letter of thanks from the Baker River Valley Snowmobile Club for use of town property for their trails. They have invited the Board of Selectmen to a complementary meal at their clubhouse. Although the Board is grateful for the invitation, they feel they must decline as they are not the property owners, just the agents who work on behalf of the Town. Miles made a motion to send a letter thanking the BRVSC and explaining why they are declining, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike read a letter of resignation from Jackie Brogna as Trustee of the Trust Funds, effective immediately. The Board again asked her to reconsider her resignation. Miles said the town needs people like her who will be conscientious. They appreciate all she has done. She has been a part of the solution, not part of the problem. Marina Chase said she did not want Jackie to feel that she needs to resign over a mistake made by others. Glen Hansen asked if Ms. Brogna could be reimbursed for her lost pay. Ms. Brogna reported that the DRA said the Town would not be allowed to do this as it is a volunteer position. Pam suggested that she put in for mileage expenses for the trip to Concord at the very least. Ann Tobine suggested having regular work sessions with the Board for all trustees, and let everyone know that the state offers training sessions for all trustees each spring. Jackie has agreed to reconsider. Mike made a motion to table this resignation while Jackie reconsiders, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike made a motion to order 300 Town Reports, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


The GRC submitted a request for $50 from their revolving fund to pay the DJ for the dance. Miles made a motion to approve this request, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike made a motion to adjourn at 9:28pm, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Respectfully submitted,

Pamela Hamel  

Administrative Assistant