Town of Groton
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
March 17, 2009
In Attendance: Michael Brogna, Miles Sinclair, Kyle Andrews, Pamela Hamel (Administrative Assistant)
Audience Members Present
Mike Brogna called the meeting to order at 7:02pm.
First order of business was to appoint a Chairman for the Board of Selectman. Miles made a motion to appoint Mike as Chairman, Kyle 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
There were write-in ties for the following offices:
Zoning Board—3 years
Zoning Alternate—3 years
Zoning Alternate—1 year
Town Clerk Laura Hauser conducted a lottery to break the write-in ties. Winners are as follows:
Zoning Board: Steve Lindsey (declined)
Zoning Alternate—3 years: Patti Bailey
Zoning Alternate—1 year: Patti Bailey
Laura will be in touch with Ms. Bailey to see if she is interested in the position and, if so, which length of term.
Mike read the appointments, announcements and the minutes of the March 3rd selectmen’s meeting to the audience. Miles asked to amend the minutes as follows:
Change: Mr. Coursey ‘agreed to withdraw the resignation’
To: Mr. Coursey ‘agreed to give the matter further consideration’
Slim Spafford would like to see the map and lot numbers included in the minutes when dealing with building permits and other property issues. The Board discussed this for several minutes looking to ascertain the importance of including this information every time a property is discussed. Mike and Kyle both felt that it would be beneficial to the Planning Board and if there was any occasion to do research on a property in the future. Miles’ concern was the additional work load for the Administrative Assistant and adding to the length of the minutes. Pam said she did not see it as a problem to mention the map and lot numbers initially, but in the case of something that is ongoing with a particular property, she feels that continually mentioning the map and lot number is redundant.
Mike made a motion to include the map and lot numbers in new business, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Mike made a motion to approve the minutes as amended, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Mike made a motion to approve the amended building permit for Abbott, Kyle 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Miles made a motion to formally withdraw the grant application from USDA Rural Development, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted. The warrant article to build a garage for the police cruiser with partial funding from a USDA Rural Development grant was defeated at Town Meeting.
Time Warner Cable will be coming out to do a feasibility study to determine whether or not they will add additional cable lines in town.
Mike reported that the Board had received a letter from David and Shirley Leone dealing with some concerns on Brock Lane. The Board held a work session with Health Officer Chuck Stata as these concerns deal with health issues. Mr. Stata submitted a memo to the Board with his findings. This memo along with a cover letter from the Board has been sent to the Leones.
Miles made a motion to table the Hutchins Junkyard Application until next week, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted. The Board would like to review the statutes governing junkyards so they can make an informed decision.
Miles made a motion to send a letter to the Hardy Country Snowmobile Club thanking them for their offer of a complementary meal and explaining why they are declining, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
The Board reviewed a memo from Town Clerk Laura Hauser certifying the vote to transfer funds from the 2008 surplus to capital reserves. Mike made a motion to sign the memo from the Town Clerk, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Mike made a motion to sign the memos to the Treasurer and the Trustees of the Trust Funds authorizing the transfer of funds into the capital reserve funds, Kyle 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Mike made a motion to table signing the 2009 Town Meeting minutes until the Board has an opportunity to review them, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Mike made a motion to sign the Building Permit for Kuder, Map 6 Lot 22, sub lot 3, Kyle 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Mike made a motion to table signing the 2009 Rumney Fire and EMS contract until they can review it, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
The Board reviewed the letter to Neil Twitchell of the Department of Health and Human Services requesting the town be put into Region 6 for Emergency services and Health services. The Town will continue to access day to day health services through Plymouth.
Mike made a motion to sign the letter to Mr. Twitchell, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Mike made a motion to table the Rego Junkyard Application until they can review the statutes, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Miles and Mike welcomed Kyle as the newest member of the Board. Miles asked Kyle if he would consider being the liaison to the Planning Board as Kyle was a Planning Board member and Miles feels the town would be better served having him as the liaison. Also, both Miles and Mike are members of the Town Safety Committee, Miles is on the Highway Safety Committee and Mike is liaison to the Conservation Commission and the Groton Recreation Committee.
Sandra Hutchins submitted a recent printout of Land Use & Real Estate Law with a few law changes. The Board asked Pam to make sure Chuck Stata receives a copy as one law deals with septic systems.
Louis Albert asked if any decision has been made concerning what to do with the old Town House/Library building. Discussion included:
Ø Library building was donated and has state restrictions on it. Library Trustees would need to ask that these restrictions be removed.
Ø 2 years ago a warrant article passed giving the Board authority to have the building removed as long as it was at no expense to the town.
Ø Last year, the town defeated a warrant article to give the Board $10,000 to remove the building.
Ø No decisions have been made as to the future of this building.
Ø Both the Town House/Library and Town Garage are in a flood zone
The Board is open to exploring all options.
Slim Spafford asked if every department will be cut by 5%. The Board has asked all departments to submit a new budget reflecting a 5% decrease. However, some departments originally submitted budgets that were 5% lower than last year. Mike would rather not decrease those budgets again if at all possible. The Board will be looking at every line item in every department when making the final decision.
Slim asked if the Board is moving ahead with hiring a full time chief. The Board is not looking to drag their feet on this. They are hoping to hire someone within 30-45 days. However, Mike stressed that it is an important decision and they do not want to rush into it.
Rena Chase asked if there was anyone in the Police Department who was on call. Mike replied that it is up to the Chief to arrange the on call time. He is currently away but will probably attend to that upon his return.
Mike made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:32pm, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.
Respectfully submitted,
Pamela Hamel
Administrative Assistant