Town of Groton

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes

April 28, 2009



In Attendance:  Michael Brogna, Miles Sinclair, Kyle Andrews, Pamela Hamel (AA)


Audience Members Present


Mike Brogna called the meeting to order at 6:57pm.


Mike read the appointments and announcements to the audience.


Paul Adams addressed the Board. He says he paid the first billing of his 2008 property taxes in cash in May of 2008. He does not have a receipt or a bank withdrawal statement for this payment. The receipt from the Tax Collector’s office shows a payment made in December of 2008 by check and applied to the 1st billing. The Board will check all the deposits for the time period he says he made the original payment to see if a cash payment for that amount was made. They did note that the Tax Collector’s office was recently audited and no tax payment issues where found. The Board asked Paul to give them a little time to do some research before they get back to him.


Mike read the minutes of the April 21 selectmen’s meeting to the audience.


Mike made a motion to accept the minutes as written, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Pam reported that Dawn Lemieux has offered to gather signatures for those who would consider getting cable if made available to them. These signatures could be included with the letter the Board is preparing to send to Time Warner Cable. The Board is in agreement with this. They would like to gather the signatures of anyone who will subscribe to cable if it is made available to them regardless of where they are located in town. Signature sheets will be at the Transfer Station and Town House, a copy will be forwarded to Ms. Lemieux and a notice will be posted on the Town’s website. Miles has offered to assist Pam in drafting the letter to TWC.


Glen Hansen reported that GMI is not interested in a $5,000 deposit. Mr. Hansen is now looking to schedule them for some time toward the end of June to do the paving. Glen feels this time might work out better because school will be out of session and they will not need to be concerned about the bus. He reported that GMI is willing to hold the current price without a deposit until that time.


Miles brought up a few loose ends that he wants to make sure get addressed:

Ø      Arrange a meeting with the grant writer

Ø      Do the Primex quote

Ø      Find out where Dorchester stands about the mutual road aid agreement

Ø      Schedule a work session with Chuck Stata to discuss ongoing health and septic issues

Ø      Contact company re locating a cell tower in town

Ø      Status of old trailer on Map 7 Lot 40 (Chuck Stata reported that original letter gives homeowner until the end of June to remove it)


Pam reported that she is expecting a call back from LGC about the Town’s property/liability insurance and how it relates to the use of alcohol on town property.


Chief White reported that Officer Hill is organizing the spring clean up. He will put out a sign up sheet for anyone interested in helping. The police department is utilizing the on-call time. Chief White also commented on a BYOB dance:

Ø      Believes a street dance is fine

Ø      BYOB tends to get out of hand

Ø      Would have an officer there

Ø      Officer could offer rides home for those who had too much to drink.


Glen Hansen gave a brief update on the Public Works Mutual Aid seminar he attended. Cost to town is $25 per year to be a member (Groton is). Each member community has listed the manpower and equipment they have available. Groton would be networked with surrounding member communities in the event of a natural disaster. If it is necessary to call on the services of another community Groton would be responsible to compensate them. The Disaster Relief Capital Reserve fund could be used for this. If the Governor declared a state of emergency the town could be reimbursed for all or part of the expenses.


Chuck Stata gave a brief update on the Swine Flu status for the state. As of April 28 there were no known cases in New England. Even so, the state has been preparing. He would like to post a phone number on the web site for anyone who has questions, and he has some general information available for those who want it. Mike made a motion to post the phone number at the Town House, Transfer Station and on the Town’s website, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


The Board reviewed the Intent to Cut for Piggyback Mountain Realty Trust (Bill Jolly). The Board is still looking to clarify with the state the weight limit for the Atwell/Orange Brook Bridge. It will be inspected on April 29. Miles’ understanding is that after April 1st, the Board would meet with Glen Hansen to discuss any trucking/logging projects to make a decision on bonding. He would like to have that opportunity with this Intent. The law gives the Board 30 days to sign an Intent. Kyle feels they should at least wait until after the bridge inspection before making a decision on bonding and signing the Intent. Mike does not feel they can wait the 30 days unless the necessary criteria as listed on the Intent has not been met. He also believes the Board has the authority to put restrictions on the Intent such as hours of operations, etc. Miles read from the Forest Products Road Manual which clearly states that the Board has 30 days to sign the Intent. Mr. Jolly feels it is unfair to require a bond of a local property owner who only owns a small parcel of land. He differentiates between small and large operations. He also feels that he should not be made to wait while the Board sets its policy as he is trying to clear some land to get a crop in the ground. Miles said they are not looking to harm any property owners but they are looking to take the time necessary to address each Intent. Pam will contact Jesse Bushaw from the DRA to get the interpretation of the law giving the Board 30 days, whether causing a hardship plays a role in this, and whether or not the Board can put stipulations on the Intent.

Mike made a motion to table all Intents on the agenda until they can look them over, Kyle 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


NH Magazine has requested each municipality submit one Town Landmark and its location, and one interesting fact about the town. Old North Groton School House #4 located on the corner of Halls Brook Road and North Groton Road was the landmark chosen. Sculptured Rocks Geological Site was the interesting fact submitted.


Miles made a motion to table signing the septic design for Stevens, Mike 2nd, all in favor, so voted. The Board would like clarification on whether this septic meets the new Shoreland Protection setbacks as the property borders the Cockermouth River.


Mike made a motion to sign the letters to property owners of Map 5 Lot 138 and Map 4 Lot 9 for possible building permit violations, Miles 2nd, all in favor so voted.


Mike read a letter from a resident addressed to the highway department thanking them for the good job they did this winter maintaining the roads.


Mike made a motion to sign a building permit for Kelley, Kyle 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Gordon Coursey has offered his services as an acting Town Forester. Mike made a motion to set up a work session with Mr. Coursey to discuss this, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Mike made a motion to table the Martel Veteran’s Credit application, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.


Board will have a work session on Thursday at 7pm to discuss the bridge inspection and the Intents to Cut.


Mike made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:04 pm, Miles 2nd, all in favor, so voted.  


Respectfully submitted,

Pamela Hamel  

Administrative Assistant